Saturday, March 24, 2012

Strawberry salad

A few weeks ago, strawberries were on BOGO at the grocery, so I had to stock up! I came home with four packages of fresh strawberries and put three of them in the freezer for smoothies and the like. Last week, I realized I had totally forgotten about the massive amount of strawberries in my freezer and decided to take one package and put it in the fridge for easier access....big mistake!

Well, kinda. The strawberries did get super mushy after being frozen, (duh! I should have known that would happen!) but mushy = juicy and that was a great thing for spinach and strawberry salads!

The other day I not only put strawberries in my salad, but I made a great strawberry vinaigrette! It's super fast and easy.

Here's what you need:

1Tbsp EVOO
1Tbsp vinegar (I used apple cider but red wine would be best!)
1/2tsp rosemary
dash of salt
1-2 mashed strawberries

Just mix all ingredients together and drizzle over your salad!
This makes the perfect amount for one salad and the measurements are easy to double or triple. 

The mushy strawberries made it easier to mash them up, but I'm sure if you needed, you could put it all in a blender and it would be ready in no time!

I paired my salad with about 5oz of chicken cooked with a generous amount of smoked paprika and 1/2 cup cooked whole wheat noodles with a little oil and italian seasoning on top. It was a really great and filling dinner!

Have you experimented with homemade salad dressings? Any tips?

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